When someone is diagnosed with epilepsy the first thing they commonly want to know is “what caused this”.
The majority of epilepsy is actually idiopathic – of unknown cause. And this can be one of the hardest things to deal with emotionally when receiving an epilepsy diagnosis. As human beings we like logic and to understand the why of something, especially when it comes to our health.
But a neurologist will also look for causes of brain injury or inflammation. And even if we never know the specific cause of brain inflammation, it can be useful to think of seizures as being a sign of inflammation. Allowing us to take an approach to health focused around reducing inflammation and providing nutrients for brain healing and repairing.
One thing I have come to realise though is that the body is brilliant at disguising and coping with inflammation, especially if we have lived with it for a long time that it has become our norm. Below is Part 1 in our discussion of reasons for brain inflammation that may surprise you.