Jo Knight

About Jo Knight

Hi, I'm Jo.

It's great to see you here.

I know that getting help with your health can be a big step, especially if it feels like you have tried everything and you are not sure where to go next.

You'll be wanting to know a bit more about me, my own health journey, and how I support women living with seizures to achieve greater health.

Why work with me?

A little while ago, I asked my clients what they liked about working with me. Here’s what they said...

Brings clarity and enthusiasm

When dealing with complex health problems it's easy to feel overwhelmed, thoroughly defeated and not sure what to do next. My goal is always to help you find a clear path forward, with easy achievable steps.

Experienced and kind

I know that reaching out for fresh help can feel exhausting, so I want to make the process as supportive as possible. I’ve been working in nutrition and health for nearly 10 years, so I know what I’m doing. I’ve also lived with epilepsy for 35 years, so I get it.

Gets to the root of the problem

I know from my own epilepsy how many things can affect it, however strange they may sometimes seem. I also know what tests have helped me. I don't just believe overall health affects seizure health, I live that belief.


A little bit of background

Let me tell you a little bit about where I come from.

My original degree was in Analytical Chemistry and I worked for a time in the Pharmaceutical industry, but although this provided me with a thorough grounding in the world of medicines, I knew it wasn’t for me. I loved people and the outdoors too much.

The next step was a postgraduate degree in Environmental Forestry (the degrees do link up, honestly), which eventually turned into a move to rural life with a small-holding to grow chemical-free nutrient rich food.

Except my health decided to throw a curve ball at me…

I developed autoimmune problems that stopped my plans in their tracks. Finding my way out of this major health challenge (I’d already had to cope with epilepsy since childhood!) took time, but it also gave me the drive and opportunity to learn more! I was back at University for a third time, gaining a distinction in my post-graduate Nutritional Therapy MSc and completing a research project in epilepsy.

Then, I launched my own business, Axon Nutrition, specialising in autoimmunity and digestive problems – both of which can dramatically influence hormonal and neurological health.

Today, I work with women living with seizures. As women we get to have our own class of epilepsy (catamenial hormonal seizures), and are also more likely to have autoimmune, digestive or hormonal issues, all of which can affect seizures! Lucky us!

I specialise in laboratory testing and a functional medicine approach to looking for underlying causes to ill-health. Helping clients know where to start and how to succeed in addressing their health issues.

A little bit about me as a person

Well, I live on the border of England and Wales, where we still have our smallholding, the business plans just changed a bit!

I’m a keen cook and I'm passionate about the difference good food can make to our lives and our health. As well as believing that good farming provides care for our world and for the animals we share our lives with.

I truly believe in the power to change your health, because I have seen it so many times! In my own health and those of my clients. And although I come from a science background, it simply helps me understand the chemistry of food, plants and our bodies, and how they can be part of the great complex picture that is our bodies and health.

Wanting help on your journey

If any of this has made you think that I could help you in your health journey and that you’d like to work with me, that’s great! I'd love it if you choose to Book your FREE call to DISCOVER HOW WE CAN HELP and we can have more of a chat.


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